Monday, April 25, 2011


One afternoon while preparing dinner in the kitchen, I look into the livingroom and this is what I see.
I see a bigger sister, with the littlest sister.
 Alana made Allysse a tent.
"A little tent," she said.
 "We were playing."
 "Playing pretend."
 "She was driving the plane mom."
"I was just telling her where to go."
I love my kids.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy :)

So Alana... the artsy one in the family... wants to make daddy a card for his birthday. She sits down with a piece of white paper from our printer and a 96 count Crayola Crayon Box. As she is creating her greeting she stops and asks... "Mommy what color is daddy's hair?" I had to stop and think how to answer the question... "Blackish/Grayish" I answered. She said, "How do you spell that?" "Why do you need to spell it?" I answered. "Well, I don't see that color so I am going to read the crayons to find it." I had to laugh... she settled on Brownish/Blackish :)

Happy Birthday Daddy!